Original painting – The Energy Within

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The image above is from “The Energy Within.”

This 2019 art piece is the third canvas in my AWAKENING series. My vision for this 16″ X 20″ canvas came from the sun, the summer season, and the Fruit of Life. The sun plays a majestic role for warmth, birth, and growth. Therefore, I desired to paint the sun in honor of its magnificent energy. For instance, I used up the entire space to fill the edges with yellow and orange flames. Then, I created a space portal in the center revealing the sacred geometry symbol, The Fruit of Life. In addition, I painted shooting stars within the vibrant portal. To me, I wanted to connect both symbols as one since my understanding of the two seem equally important. Above all, there wouldn’t be light, summer, or warmth without the sun.

The Energy Within” by MagicalFrae
Here is a short clip of my process painting “The Energy Within.” Enjoy!