The image above is from “Discover Power.”
This 2020 art piece was a dream to paint. My inspiration to paint this 12″ X 16″ canvas came from my love for the moon, portals, and nature. Full moons embody a flood of power, a surge of release, and amplifying intentions. I wanted to portray how I envision the full moon in my dreams in portal form. In other words, I incorporated moon guardians to reveal a bold, bright, yellow full moon peeking through wavy Aspen trees. Many of you may know that Aspen trees have eye features due to their lack of sunlight resulting in scarring. Therefore, I painted several eyes on each trunk to face the illuminating full moon like the eyes were watching. In addition, I included a forest scenery with a wavy blue river reflecting the daring moon and stars. My vivid dreams inspire my reality.