The image above is from my original painting, “Spiral Swirl.”
This 2020 art piece was intriguing to paint. My inspiration to paint this 12″ X 12″ canvas came from clouds, portals, and the Great Conjunction! Apparently, on December 21st, 2020, the planets Jupiter and Saturn are bound to align as a “double planet” during the winter solstice. I wanted to project how I envision the two planets positioning themselves in space. In other words, I painted a vivid space realm where a spiral fractal expands as Jupiter and Saturn become closer. I also painted colorful clouds to surround and emphasize the space portal in the center of the canvas. I included stars, mini galaxies, and a perspective view revealing the Great Conjunction. In addition, I painted an octagon portal to represent infinite power amongst two strong planets. Without a doubt, reality inspires creativity.