Original Painting – Journey to the Heart

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The image above is from “Journey to the Heart.”

This 2019 art piece is the fourth canvas in my AWAKENING series. My vision to paint this 16″ X 20″ canvas came from a jungle, the heart chakra Anahata, and my heart. Jungles are beautiful, dark, and full of life. Therefore, I desired to paint how jungles makes my heart feel. In other words, jungles bring out my curiosity of the unknown. For instance, I painted the Anahata symbol as a shape of a heart blooming with flowers. In addition, I included a portal in the center of the heart revealing a green galaxy and stars. After that, I filled the canvas edges with dark-green leaves to highlight the flourishing heart in the jungle. Overall, taking the time to replenish my mind, body, and spirit starts within.

Journey to the Heart” by MagicalFrae
Here is a short clip of my process painting “Journey to the Heart.” Enjoy!