The image above is from my SPACE LIPS Collection.
I wanted to create, design, and produce more products for my Etsy shop to start 2021 strong! At first, I started designing my lips collection in November 2020 with drafts, sketched out three canvases, and painted three different lip shapes by New Year. I realized that having an online store, I should start offering products for certain seasons. So, I decided to release a small collection right before Valentine’s Day! The first time I released a collection, it was using Adobe Illustrator. This time, I decided to create a collection using my paintings! I wanted to correlate my love for stars, painting, and using my lips as a muse to give that Valentine’s Day vibe. The SPACE LIPS Collection include three framed prints, three colorful premium linen pillows, and three different iPhone case designs!!!
As the world gets better from the pandemic, I’m going to keep creating magical pieces for myself and for my shop! (:
“TASTE” framed print“GASP” framed print“BITE” framed print
“TASTE” premium linen pillow“GASP” premium linen pillow“BITE” premium linen pillow
“SPACE LIPS” iPhone cases (iPhone 7 to iPhone 12 MAX PRO)
“SPACE LIPS Collage” iPhone case“TASTE” iPhone case“GASP” iPhone case
<–Here’s a short clip of the “TASTE” iPhone case
<–Here’s a short clip of the “SPACE LIPS Collage” iPhone case
<–Here’s a short clip of the “GASP” iPhone case